Family Law

Best Family Lawyers in St Louis

Lennon Family Law

If you have decided to represent yourself when getting married, divorced or have a family matter that requires legal advice, then St. Louis Family Law Attorney Services could very well be your best choice. Our firm is located in the St. Louis Eastern Shore, just minutes from the Missouri River and the Ozark Mountains. We have established a reputation as one of St. Louis’ premier family law firms. We serve clients throughout the entire St. Louis area. We pride ourselves on building strong relationships with our clients, thereby establishing trust and understanding while providing them with the necessary guidance and representation they need to resolve their matters. Because we handle these types of cases all the time, we are often asked to represent both the parties in court.


We treat every case as a special case. That means that we will do our best to ensure the client’s needs are met. As a result, we work closely with our clients to resolve their case in an expedient manner, while following the law and St. Louis city ordinances to the letter. In addition to our regular legal representation, we also provide a wide range of non-legal representation to families in need. For example, if you are seeking child support or have a question about a property division or other civil matters related to a divorce, then we can answer those questions. We also strive to be the advocate that our clients look to when they need to file for personal injury compensation or stand up for them when their rights are violated by another party.


St. Louis family law attorneys are also very familiar with issues like child support and child custody. If you or someone you love is going through a divorce, then you will want to hire an attorney who is knowledgeable about the laws that are specific to your state and city. A St. Louis family lawyer will be able to provide you with the best advice based on your particular circumstances. In fact, most of them have done so much research regarding divorce and family law that they will be able to fully prepare you for your case and help you obtain the best possible outcome. They will also help you to reduce your stress during this time by handling all of your paperwork and providing you with timely responses. For more details about how St. Louis family lawyer helps you with child support and child custody, check out their website at


When you are seeking child support or some other type of legal representation, it is important that you know that your family law attorneys will take the best interest of your child or children into consideration. They are familiar with the regional child support laws and can assist you with this information. It is not uncommon for someone who has experienced a divorce to be unable to pay child support. When you hire an attorney, they will make sure that you receive what is owed to you regardless of your financial situation.


Property division is one of the most important issues that you will face when you are getting divorced. In St. Louis, family law attorneys and their staffs are well trained in all aspects of property matters. They will represent you in negotiations and property division hearings. It is important to have a St. Louis family law attorney on your side because he or she will be able to negotiate a fair settlement between you and your spouse. They will represent you to ensure that the terms of the agreement agree with your priorities.


Although divorce is a very difficult time, you must remember that you are making a decision about your family and making a commitment. Hiring the best family lawyers in St Louis will ensure that you have someone on your side who will fight for your rights and fight for your children. You want to work with someone who is compassionate and who has experience handling all different kinds of cases, especially family cases. When you are ready to get legal advice, contact the offices of family law attorneys in St. Louis. They will offer you the best legal advice available.

Tax Law

Principles of taxation

Hiring a licensed tax attorney that has the capacity to know tax code and tax laws on both the state and federal level will give you the much needed peace of mind so you can deal with whatever difficult tax issue you’re facing. If you’re involved in cryptocorylation, even the slightest error you make in understanding the law can help you compute tax. It would be a shame to have to pay taxes for something you didn’t do, not because you didn’t know any better but because you didn’t check out how to compute taxes using the IRS’s online calculator. With a licensed tax attorney, you’ll be confident that you’re doing things correctly and will have no reason to be concerned about or contribute to your taxes’ delinquency.


Tax debt is probably one of the most difficult issues most people face with. Fortunately though, with a licensed tax attorney by your side, things should be much less stressful. They can provide assistance and information about options available and make sure you don’t fall into any legal traps. When you owe money to the IRS, the penalties they levy are meant as a form of punishment for you, not as a means of asking for restitution. This is why it is important to choose your tax attorneys very carefully so you don’t end up in situations where you will owe more money than you can possibly afford to pay. For complete details on taxation visit us at


You may not know it, but there is an answer to every tax problem under the sun. There are professional tax relief firms that can help you solve tax problems no matter what they are. The IRS will not be happy to help you out unless you tell them what the problem is. In this case, they’ll give you specific advice as to how to solve the problem. It is vital then that you hire licensed tax attorneys so they will represent your interests accurately and competently. In fact, this is why it is always smart to use a lawyer.


There are many situations where a tax relief firm may come in handy. Perhaps, the biggest tax issues anyone could face is the penalty for not paying income taxes. Most people don’t want to deal with this because they think they only have to pay a small amount. However, the truth is that if you don’t pay taxes, you will receive enormous penalties. These penalties can be quite high and a tax attorney can help alleviate some of these penalties. The fees they charge though are generally much lower than what you would pay if you faced criminal prosecution or if the IRS decides to pursue collection.


One of the best possible resolutions to tax issues is to settle them through negotiations. Many tax attorneys offer free consultations where they can evaluate your situation and recommend the best possible resolution. If you owe back taxes or other financial difficulties, this is a great time to see if a free consultation can resolve your problems for less than you would pay to an attorney.


In many cases, tax problems are easy to resolve. In some cases, however, they are more complicated. Consulting with tax lawyers who specialize in these cases can ensure that your tax problems are handled properly and that you receive the best possible resolution from the IRS. Don’t assume that the IRS is always easy to deal with. If you have financial difficulties, you should always use a tax lawyers to make sure that your rights are protected.